On this day ...
Ghent in 1967 |
July 26, 1967
From Brussels. This month is
becoming a variety fair. Let’s break it
down. One week in Paris, my passport lost the 14th
of July but fortunately found the next day with the help of high school friend Rachel. She is a missionary kid who grew up in Luxembourg and is staying with missionaries, the Gingrichs. She is very nice, but not
made for me. I really appreciate all that I received and learned. It was really wonderful to spend several days
in the presence of a girl. Next, two days in the company of Willard Roth. One day to see Brussels, the next to see
Ghent where on the sidewalk of a café we spoke of my writing style, my stories,
more or less in detail.
He bought one, “Half-Past
Eleven.” I like Roth, but he is, above everything else,
a church administrator and not an artist, even though his ideas are quite
liberal. If I wanted to attach myself to
a literary patron, I’d have to find someone else. Then, the choir (including Rachel) of EMC sang at Brussels. They did very well. It was really admirable.
I ended my French lessons with Prof. Hancisse because the extra work with the
PAXboys at Mons kills any time to spend studying.
I’m afraid that David Janzen will pass me in his capacity to speak
French. I still have need to study. But this month I don’t have the drive. Two bits of news currently get my
attention. The happenings in the United States--cities burning,
almost civil war. And a condemnation of Congo leader Tshombe by Algeria. That could delay my visa.
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