On this day ... Ghent in 1967 July 26, 1967 From Brussels. This month is becoming a variety fair. Let’s break it down. One week in Paris , my passport lost the 14 th of July but fortunately found the next day with the help of high school friend Rachel. She is a missionary kid who grew up in Luxembourg and is staying with missionaries, the Gingrichs. She is very nice, but not made for me. I really appreciate all that I received and learned. It was really wonderful to spend several days in the presence of a girl. Next, two days in the company of Willard Roth. One day to see Brussels, the next to see Ghent where on the sidewalk of a cafĂ© we spoke of my writing style, my stories, more or less in detail. He bought one, “Half-Past Eleven.” I like Roth, but he is, above everything else, a church administrator and not an artist, even though his ideas are quite liberal. If I wanted to atta...