I get my teaching assignment

  On This Day

The high school in Kikwit where I taught, 1967-68.

Downtown Kikwit. The Belgians are gone. Adieu.

March 10, 1967:

Dear kin, 

I just learned where I'm assigned this fall--I shall go and teach in Kikwit, Congo, about two hundred miles east of  the capital, Kinshasa.  In 1964 the missionaries were evacuated and massacres killed numerous locals.  This is a city of about 14 thousand souls. Wayne and Susie Yoder are there, teachers in the same Mennonite program I am in.  The school is Mennonite Brethren and Congo Inland Mission.   

I asked my Akron boss, Vern Preheim, for news from Lancaster County.  He said five bishops had sent an ultimatum to some committee about something—a coming split-off group called The Mennonite Messianoic Mission (MMM). ... These are probably the kind of things that convince Uncle Paul that he’s not so bad off after all in the bosom of the pope.  There is a Church-in-Myth and a Church-in-Realty.  The first has its birth in theology, Europe, and tribulations. I shall love it till death. The second? Aah, not so much. 

With my love, Glenn



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