On this day ... A Remington-Peters bullet, the kind that killed King. 5 April 1968 Dear brother, The crackly short wave radio has just brought us the news of America’s heinous crime. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated. I love my country and my heart is sorely touched, man. How long, oh Lord? Did the long, hot summer have to begin so soon? Do we really think that the new muscle put into our police arsenal and the chemical guns we have built can save us? Is our dollar going to save us? What is the way for a suppressed minority to gain equality? Marx’s answer may be all right for an oppressed majority, but I think King’s genius was his answer for the oppressed minority. Should we be willing to lay aside our tools we’re using in constructing the tower of Babel and get working on the task of first uniting us of many tribes and languages? I think to us the building of the tower is more importa...